Gavin Newsom has been a disaster for California. While he has been Governor, our taxes have gone up and the homeless population has exploded. Housing is more expensive than ever and employers are fleeing the state. Crime is up, schools are failing and basic infrastructure is deteriorating. As Huntington Beach Councilman, Tony Strickland has been fighting Gavin Newsom’s destructive policies. We need him in the Senate to continue that fight.
Sued Gavin Newsom to protect local communities from getting turned into San Francisco.
In Huntington Beach, Tony authored California’s first local Voter ID law.
Tony is running to lower taxes, boost our economy, and keep our neighborhoods safe. He wants to turn California around, and believes California is worth fighting for.

“Tony Strickland is the man for the job. What he’s done in Huntington Beach has been remarkable. Decisive, courageous leadership. Extremely brave on policy, standing up to the state, standing up for what’s right. Tony Strickland’s absolutely the guy, and we need him in Sacramento to do the same thing."
Michael Gates
Huntington Beach City Attorney

"We need Tony Strickland in the State Senate to stand up to Gavin Newsom, and fight for lower taxes and lower crime."
Stephanie Klopfenstein
Garden Grove Mayor

“We need Tony Strickland to go up to Sacramento to fight against Gavin Newsom and the absurd policies that have made California more expensive and less safe.”
Steve Knoblock
San Clemente Mayor